Thursday, July 15, 2010


A friend sent this to me today and it's just so darn cute that I had to share.
Even if you don't have any pets, this is still cute.

With any great movie, there usually is a sequel.

Happy Thursday everybody!


  1. I LOVE it!!! If animals can get along with and enjoy other animals different from themselves why can't people????? Doesn't say a lot for us, does it? Thanks for a huge smile to start my day, Peggy! Hope you have a great one!


  2. Commenting is being stupid so I hope this works.

    This is so cute I made my daughter watch it. It reminds us of our beagle/basset mix who is, even as I type, licking the poodle.

  3. funny, enjoyed watching both and I'm not a pet owner...

  4. I agree with Sylvia, WE could learn from the Animal World.

    Thank you for sharing Peggy, hope you are having a wonderful week.

  5. I like the first one. Amazing how animals can get along. Someone told me we learn a lot from animals if we take the time to watch. Yep, that would be true here.

    Thanks for stopping by Peg. I hope you're feeling well. I haven't had the chance to catch up but will. Hugs to you.

    Hubby is going to Chicago this weekend with the boys. They've been friends since first grade and they're celebrating a big birthday in your neck of the woods. Cubs game, dinner, jazz etc. If you see four men in the news because they were naughty, can you send me a message so I can be prepared when they come home?

  6. Awwww Thanks for sharing! That's the cutest thing I've seen in a long time! Seems to me kitty loves puppy just as much too! So, how bizz? Picking up I hope! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed yourself & come back soon! Hugs to you my cyber-friend. Have a good day!

  7. This is so cute, Peggy! I just showed it to Art and he got a huge chuckle. Sylvia just wrote exactly what I was about to say. I guess we all think alike.

  8. Oh I so enjoyed these Peggy! Thank you for sharing..what precious animals. Amazing that animals can get along with others but humans...Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. another way to relax,
    lovely dogs and cats...

    timeless moments,
    thank you for sharing!


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