Friday, May 29, 2009

So cute...!

A friend sent this to me and I had to think about where my daughter might have gotten her water for her tea parties.

"One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me.

I was maybe 2 1/2 years old. Someone had given me a little 'tea set' as a gift and it was one of my favorite toys.

Daddy was in the living room engrossed in the evening news when I brought Daddy a little cup of 'tea', which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, my Mom came home.

My Dad made her wait in the living room to watch me bring him a cup of tea, because it was 'just the cutest thing!' My Mom waited, and sure enough, here I come down the hall with a cup of tea for Daddy and she watches him drink it up.

Then she says, (as only a mother would know.. :)

'Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?' "


  1. Oh, that is priceless! Thanks so much, Peggy, for sharing that! I'm still laughing! What a great start for the weekend and I hope you have a wonderful one!

  2. I'm thinking I've got to really watch it when KC comes to visit in July. What a queasy thought.

  3. She must have had a bad mothers day!!! I would let my hubby drink toilet water too on some days.


  4. Little girls are nothing if not creative. :)
    Thanks for the giggle.

  5. That is hilarious! Bet that put an end to his tea drinking days, ha ha!

  6. I'm with Hit40: "Honey, Daddy would LOVE another cup of tea--go get it for him"


  7. Sylvia;

    After I reaad the toilet line I LOL. Wasn't prepared for that. Glad that I could make you laugh for a change like you do me!

  8. Kay;

    I remember how easy access the toilets were in Williamsburg, just the thought..yuck!

  9. Hit 40

    Makes Mothers day have a whole new importance for the husband....and a little toilet water probably would'nt hurt him....


    That good angel/bad angel on my shoulder sure could have a fight over how to handle this situation !

  10. Lilly;

    I know that if and when I have a granddaughter, I'm going to have to make sure that she has a huge pitcher of water in a spill proof container and a lock on the bathroom door!


    I think I'm ready for a cute creative grand daughter! I'm glad you giggled too!

  11. That's hilarious!!! Made the perfect read before going to bed. It's like a Calvin and Hobbs cartoon. I'll be chuckling myself to sleep tonight.

  12. Thanks Loach..glad you enjoyed it too!

  13. Mom'

    Chucking myself off to sleep sounds like a plan. i'll try reading funny book before bed, instead of my usually saga's

  14. Awwww, that's cute! AND, scary! I love the story, what did Dad do (she says as she gaaaags)?

    I just stopped by to say hello and let you know I was here. I hope you have a great week!

  15. Thanks for stopping by, always love your comments!

  16. Oh goodness, what a cute story (besides the gag factor!) and it brought a smile (and yes even tears, but good ones)to my morning. My youngest child and my only daughter Ashton, is graduating in 3 days from H.S. and it sounds like something she would have done!

  17. oh my goodness! I actually put a very tall step stool in our bathroom because my daughter kept playing in the toilet... now she floods the floor from the sink!

  18. Cheryl;

    Sounds like something my Julie would have done also. She is now 30...I'm just don't want to know for sure.
    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  19. Banteringblonde:

    Oh my, does she have a tea set?
    LOL..Thanks for stopping by, nice to meet you!

  20. I could feel that one coming!! Yuk!!Funny, though.

  21. Mare;

    I even hated it when my dog would drink out of the toilet and then turn around and lick me!

  22. Note to self: Remember to provide water source when making a tea party with little kids.

    Oy! That's hysterical.

  23. Joanna;

    I wrote the same note for when I have grandchildren! Can't prepare too early , I figure!

  24. OMG, this got me giggling so hard my eyes teared up. What a great picture and story.


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